
Role: Art Director & Co-Copy Writer


Create a three-spot campaign for a creative video development course focusing on storyboarding.

The Ask

Use the invisible power of scent to tell a story of our love affair with McDonald’s fries.


Scented Temptation:
It’s not just an alluring scent, it's addictive. Like an itch you need to scratch, delve into your temptation. Once you’ve had a taste, you can’t get enough... of the fries, of course.

Scented Temptation | The Salty Link | 30

The scene opens with a man sitting in his car alone. He is holding his phone as he speaks. He takes a deep breath.

“The first time I saw you, you were wearing red. You looked irresistible, you took my breath away...”


There is a pause.

“I know you’re salty sometimes... well actually all the time. But your scent is like a drug to me. The first time I smelled it I knew I was done for.”


There is another short pause.

“You know this is hard for me. Every time I try to give you up I come running back again.”


We can see the man take another deep breath. He clicks on the order button on the McDonald’s app.

“I’ll pick you up at 8.”


Camera cuts to the Mcdonald's drive-thru and we can see a car pulling in. The man picks up some fries.

The scene fades to the classic McDonald’s red. The logo fades in after and the super fades in after that.

End Tag:

McDonald’s M


The Crispy Scent of Romance?
I’m Lovin’ It.


Scented Temptation | The Salty Betrayal | 30

The scene opens on a wife at home, starting a load of laundry. As she is, she smells her husband’s dress shirt. Emotions flash across her face: hurt, betrayal, then rage.
The camera moves with her as she goes to confront him. The camera settles between the two of them but shifts back and forth between each person as they talk. They give Oscar-worthy performances.

“Smell that”


Cut to the husband smelling the shirt as he looks down ashamed.

“How long?”


“Listen, honey, it’s not what it looks like”


There is a pregnant pause as we see the both of them.

“I just… I’ve been so stressed at the office lately. I pass it every night on my way home from work and I just…”


Cut to the wife as she picks up the shirt again. The camera zoomed into a ketchup stain in the shape of a kiss on his collar.

“And you thought I wouldn’t notice this?”


Wife starts to tear up.

“You know I love fries, and yet you never considered if I would want some?”


Scene cuts to husband hanging his head in shame as the wife just shakes her head disappointingly.

The scene fades to the classic McDonald’s red. The logo fades in after and the super fades in after that.

End Tag:

McDonald’s M


The Crispy Scent of Romance?
I’m Lovin’ It.


Scented Temptation | The Salty Detour | 40

The scene opens on a group of friends getting ready to leave their high school prom.

“Hey you ready to go to Jordan's after-party?”


“Nah, Jess and I are skipping.”


Cut to Matt and Tyler as they turn around to face him dramatically.

“You’re skipping the party? You’ve been talking about it for the past month.”


“Yeah but let’s just say we are taking a detour.”


His guy friends hit his arm playfully.





“Yeah, I didn’t think it would happen tonight but we passed by it on our way here in the limo. The smell was driving us crazy and we just thought; tonight’s the night.”


“Man you’re so lucky... well you will be.”


Matt pats him on the back and laughs. Tyler leans in close so no one else can hear what he’s about to say.

“But dude, are you… ya know, prepared?”


“Yeah, man. Don’t worry. I even got options.”


Camera cuts to Chase pulling out barbeque, ranch and honey mustard sauce packets. He shows them to his friends discretely.

The scene fades to the classic McDonald’s red. The logo fades in after and the super fades in after that.

End Tag:

McDonald’s M


The Crispy Scent of Romance?
I’m lovin’ it.


thank you for your time!

thank you for your time!